Illinois (IL) Florists, Flower Shops & Florist Directory
It's easy to send flowers to a loved one, either across the street or across the country. Our national flower shop directory gives you all the information you need to contact local flower shops and florists that are near and close by to where you want the flowers sent. When you buy direct from the local florists that will deliver your flowers, you eliminate the middlemen charges, thus saving you money. In addition, you can speak directly to the delivering florist who can tell you exactly what they have available during the current time and season.® lists all of the nation's FTD and Teleflora flower shops and retail stores for you. We can help you choose just the right florist shop for you. It doesn't matter if you want to send flowers, roses, plants, orchids, fruit baskets, gifts, candy, balloons or silk arrangements, local flower shops will be there to guide you in making the best flower selection.
Flowers convey the deepest thoughts and feelings words cannot. From an anniversary, wedding or birthday gift to a loved one's memorial or funeral, local floral shops can help you say it with flowers.
Placing your order as early as possible from the florist helps assure same day delivery. You can place your order either online through the flower shop's Internet web site or for more personal ordering, use the toll free telephone number of the floral shop. For those florist shops in Springfield, IL not having toll free telephone numbers, a local telephone number with area code is provided.
Can we conceive what humanity would be if it did not know the flowers? ~ Maurice Maeterlinck
Flowers are love's truest language. ~ Park Benjamin
To be overcome by the fragrance of flowers is a delectable form of defeat. ~ Beverly Nichols
Common Names: Tulip
Description: Single flowers have six petals. Flower variations include lily-flowering types, double flowers, fringed petals and ruffly parrot varieties. Colors include white, yellow, pink, peach, orange, red, lavender, purple and bi-colors. Vase life is up to seven days.
Common Names: Anthurium, Tailflower
Description: A tropical flower, anthuriums have strange petal-like bracts, that are red, pink, white or green. The blooms are glossy like patent leather. As a cut flower, anthuriums live two to three weeks.
Ordering Advice:
Place your flower order early, especially for holidays. By placing the order a few days ahead of the delivery date, you give the florist the chance to order the product you want if they do not already have it. Additionally, florists usually have a limit to the quantity of orders they can deliver for a particular holiday. By placing your order early, you will make sure you are one of those able to get their orders filled.
The best advice to remember is to keep the order as general and open as possible. Because flowers are usually better in some seasons and not others, it is wise to allow the florist to pick the types of flowers used so they can give you the best quality. Some flowers, such as roses, carnations and chrysanthemums, are available all year.