Ohio (OH) Florists, Flower Shops & Florist Directory
When you want to send flowers across the street or across the country, our national directory of flower shops and florists will make the process easy. We provide all the information necessary to find a local flower shop and florist that will deliver your floral gift. If no flower shop or florist is available in the city or town you want the delivery made to, we also list florists that are located near and close by. Ordering and buying from the flower shop and florist who will make and deliver your order saves you from having to pay middlemen and all of the charges and fees they access. Plus, you will know what flowers and products are in season and available so you can be fully informed as to what you are purchasing.
Locate-A-Flower-Shop.com® has the perfect FTD and Teleflora flower shops and retail stores for you. We are here to help you choose just the right florist shop. Regardless of what you wish to send, either flowers, roses, plants, orchids, fruit baskets, gifts, candy, balloons or silk arrangements, local flower shops will guide you to make the appropriate flower selection.
Flowers convey the most sincere thoughts and feelings words cannot. From a birthday, anniversary or wedding gift to a loved one's funeral or memorial, local floral shops can help you say it with flowers.
Please place your order as early as possible from the florist to be sure of same day delivery. If you so choose, you can enter your order online through the flower shop's Internet web site or if you want help, use the toll free telephone number of the floral shop. For those florist shops in Zanesville, OH not having a toll free telephone number, a local telephone number along with area code is listed.
Can we conceive what humanity would be if it did not know the flowers? ~ Maurice Maeterlinck
To be overcome by the fragrance of flowers is a delectable form of defeat. ~ Beverly Nichols
I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck. ~ Emma Goldman
Common Names: Daffodil, Narcissus, Jonquil
Description: Six outer petals surround a cup creating a trumpet-style look of this cut flower. Some stems produce one flower; others produce clusters. The outer petals are yellow or white; cups may be white, yellow, orange or salmon, and some have an orange edge.
Common Names: Carnation
Description: Flowers are 2 to 3 inches wide on 1- to 2-foot stems. Miniature carnation varieties feature several small flowers on one stem. Colors include white, yellow, pink, red, salmon, fuchsia, deep purple, light green, bi-colors and flecked. The fragrant cut flowers live up to three weeks. Carnations are also popular as potted plants because of their long blooming season.
Ordering Advice:
Make sure you have the complete street address of the recipient. The florist's delivery person cannot make a delivery to "the big white house next to the park" easily. If the address is for a large office building, specify the building name since these types of buildings often do not have easily seen street numbers.
If possible, have the telephone number of the recipient. In a worst case scenario, it might be necessary to contact the recipient to get further directions. While it may "spoil" the surprise of getting the flowers, it is usually better than not getting the order delivered at all.