Connecticut (CT) Florists, Flower Shops & Florist Directory
Our national directory of flower shops and florists make sending flowers to anyone across the street or across the country simple and easy to do. All you need to do is to find a local flower shop and florist in the city or town you would like the flowers delivered to. If no florist exists there, we will list flower shops and florists in other cities and towns that are near or close by. Besides saving money by not having to pay middlemen's fees and charges when you order and buy direct from a local florist, you talk directly to the people who will actually make and deliver your order. Because of this, you will know exactly what is available during the current season and you will know exactly what will be sent.® has the best FTD and Teleflora flower shops and retail stores for you. We want to help you select the right florist shop to meet your needs. If you wish to send flowers, roses, plants, orchids, fruit baskets, gifts, candy, balloons or silk arrangements, local flower shops will be invaluable in helping you make the best flower selection.
Flowers convey the most sincere thoughts and feelings words cannot. From a birthday, anniversary or wedding gift to a loved one's funeral or memorial, local floral shops can help you say it with flowers.
Place your order as soon as possible from the florist to assure same day delivery. You can enter your order either online through the flower shop's Internet web site or if you need help, use the toll free telephone number of the floral shop. For those florist shops in Putnam, CT not having a toll free telephone number, a local telephone number with area code is listed.
Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into. ~ Henry Beecher
Whatever a man's age, he can reduce it several years by putting a bright-colored flower in his buttonhole. ~ Mark Twain
The temple bell stops but I still hear the sound coming out of the flowers. ~ Basho
Lily of the Valley:
Common Names: Lily of the Valley, May Lily, Convallaria, Our Lady's Tears, Convall-Lily, Lily Constancy, Ladder-to-Heaven, Jacob's Ladder, Male Lily
Description: The Lily of the Valley has broad, spear-like foliage and fragrant little white bell-shaped flowers. While it’s a popular garden perennial, the Lily of the Valley has seen increasing popularity as a cut flower, especially in wedding bouquets.
Common Names: Delphinium
Description: Delphiniums provide some of the best cut flowers with a color range including blue, lavender, purple, pink, salmon, rose, red, white, and bi-colors. Flowers grow along spikes with stems that are 1 to 6 feet long. Flowers are either single or double, and foliage is medium green and leafy. Vase life ranges from four to 12 days.
Ordering Advice:
Place your flower order early, especially for holidays. By placing the order a few days ahead of the delivery date, you give the florist the chance to order the product you want if they do not already have it. Additionally, florists usually have a limit to the quantity of orders they can deliver for a particular holiday. By placing your order early, you will make sure you are one of those able to get their orders filled.
Floral designers are very creative individuals. Rather than specifying the precise location of every flower in the arrangement, tell them the overall "look" you want (e.g., round arrangement, loose flowers in a vase, etc.) and let them use their creativity to do something spectacular for you!