Our national directory of flower shops and florists make sending flowers to anyone across the street or across the country simple and easy to do. All you need to do is to find a local flower shop and florist in the city or town you would like the flowers delivered to. If no florist exists there, we will list flower shops and florists in other cities and towns that are near or close by. Besides saving money by not having to pay middlemen's fees and charges when you order and buy direct from a local florist, you talk directly to the people who will actually make and deliver your order. Because of this, you will know exactly what is available during the current season and you will know exactly what will be sent.
Locate-A-Flower-Shop.com® lists FTD and Teleflora flower shops and retail stores. We can assist you in finding the florist shop that meets or exceeds your expectations. If you want to send flowers, roses, plants, orchids, fruit baskets, gifts, candy, balloons or silk arrangements, local flower shops have the experience to help you make the proper flower selection.
Flowers convey the most inner thoughts and feelings words cannot. From a birthday, anniversary or wedding gift to a loved one's memorial or funeral, local floral shops can help you say it with flowers.
If you place your order early with the florist, you can be assured of same day delivery. Enter your order online through the flower shop's Internet web site or if you want some assistance, use the toll free telephone number of the floral shop. For those florist shops in Norfolk, MA not having a toll free telephone number, a local telephone number along with their area code is listed.
A morning-glory at my window satisfies me more than the metaphysics of books. ~ Walt Whitman
I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck. ~ Emma Goldman
God loved the flowers and invented soil. Man loved the flowers and invented vases. ~ Variation of a saying by Jacques Deval
Common Names: Delphinium
Description: Delphiniums provide some of the best cut flowers with a color range including blue, lavender, purple, pink, salmon, rose, red, white, and bi-colors. Flowers grow along spikes with stems that are 1 to 6 feet long. Flowers are either single or double, and foliage is medium green and leafy. Vase life ranges from four to 12 days.
Common Names: Liatris, Spike Gayfeather
Description: Unlike other flowers, liatris flowers open and mature from the top of the stem downward. Clustered along the spike, they have a feathery look. Various shades of deep lavender are most common; other colors are bluish shades, violet and white.
Ordering Advice:
Place your flower order early, especially for holidays. By placing the order a few days ahead of the delivery date, you give the florist the chance to order the product you want if they do not already have it. Additionally, florists usually have a limit to the quantity of orders they can deliver for a particular holiday. By placing your order early, you will make sure you are one of those able to get their orders filled.
While some florists will take an order to be delivered in the A.M. or P.M., it is usually impossible to have it delivered at a particular time of the day (i.e., 2:00 P.M.). Because of traffic, pending funerals, weather and many other things, it very difficult to predict where the delivery van will be from one minute to the next. If the delivery is for someone at a place of employment, give the florist the time the person will be there at work.
Find A Florist In Norfolk, Massachusetts (MA) For These Upcoming Holidays:
New Year's Day - January 1, 2020, Wednesday
Valentine's Day - February 14, 2020, Friday
St. Patrick's Day - March 17, 2020, Tuesday
Easter - April 12, 2020, Sunday
Administrative Professionals Day - April 22, 2020, Wednesday
Mother's Day - May 10, 2020, Sunday
Memorial Day - May 25, 2020, Monday
Father's Day - June 21, 2020, Sunday
Independence Day - July 3, 2020, Friday
Grandparents Day - September 13, 2020, Sunday
Boss's Day - October 16, 2020, Friday
Sweetest Day - October 17, 2020, Saturday
Halloween - October 31, 2020, Saturday
Thanksgiving Day - November 26, 2020, Thursday
Hanukkah - December 10, 2020, Thursday
Christmas Day - December 25, 2020, Friday
Call A Local Florist For The Freshest Flowers And Plants To These Zip Codes and Cities:
Attleboro, Massachusetts (MA) Attleboro Falls, Massachusetts (MA) Bellingham, Massachusetts (MA) Cumberland, Rhode Island (RI) Dedham, Massachusetts (MA) Dover, Massachusetts (MA) East Mansfield, Massachusetts (MA) East Walpole, Massachusetts (MA) Foxboro, Massachusetts (MA) Franklin, Massachusetts (MA) Lincoln, Rhode Island (RI) Mansfield, Massachusetts (MA) Medfield, Massachusetts (MA) Medway, Massachusetts (MA) Milford, Massachusetts (MA) Millis, Massachusetts (MA) Needham, Massachusetts (MA) Needham Heights, Massachusetts (MA) Newton, Massachusetts (MA) Norfolk, Massachusetts (MA) North Attleboro, Massachusetts (MA) Norton, Massachusetts (MA) Norwood, Massachusetts (MA) Plainville, Massachusetts (MA) Sharon, Massachusetts (MA) South Walpole, Massachusetts (MA) Walpole, Massachusetts (MA) Wellesley, Massachusetts (MA) Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts (MA) West Roxbury, Massachusetts (MA) Westwood, Massachusetts (MA) Woonsocket, Rhode Island (RI) Wrentham, Massachusetts (MA) Albion, Rhode Island (RI) Babson Park, Massachusetts (MA) Easton, Massachusetts (MA) Fayville, Massachusetts (MA) Manville, Rhode Island (RI)