Alabama (AL) Florists, Flower Shops & Florist Directory
You can easily send flowers to anyone, anywhere. They can be located across the street or across the country, it doesn't make any difference. With our national directory of flower shops and florists, we can give you all the information you need to speak with local flower shops and florists who will create and deliver the floral product you wish to send. Sometimes in small towns, there is no local flower shops. Nevertheless, we can still provide everything you need to contact a flower shop or florist that is near and close by to that town. Not only will you save money by eliminating all fees and charges associated with various middlemen when you order and buy direct, you can speak directly to the florists who will be making and delivering your floral gift. This means you will know exactly what is available at the present time and season and exactly what will be sent.® has the best FTD and Teleflora flower shops and retail stores for you. We want to help you select the right florist shop to meet your needs. If you wish to send flowers, roses, plants, orchids, fruit baskets, gifts, candy, balloons or silk arrangements, local flower shops will be invaluable in helping you make the best flower selection.
Flowers convey the most sincere thoughts and feelings words cannot. From a birthday, anniversary or wedding gift to a loved one's funeral or memorial, local floral shops can help you say it with flowers.
Place your order as soon as possible from the florist to assure same day delivery. You can enter your order either online through the flower shop's Internet web site or if you need help, use the toll free telephone number of the floral shop. For those florist shops in Vinemont, AL not having a toll free telephone number, a local telephone number with area code is listed.
Can we conceive what humanity would be if it did not know the flowers? ~ Maurice Maeterlinck
Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into. ~ Henry Beecher
To be overcome by the fragrance of flowers is a delectable form of defeat. ~ Beverly Nichols
Common Names: Alstroemeria, Peruvian lily, Inca lily
Description: The main stems of these cut flowers are 2 to 3 feet long and branch into four to six short pedicels; each holding two to four flower buds. Colors include yellow, apricot, orange, salmon, pink, red, mauve, lavender, purple, cream, white and bi-colors. Alstroemeria typically last one to two weeks.
Common Names: Stock
Description: Stocks have single or double flowers with a 1-inch diameter and a pleasing clove-like scent. The romantic beauty of this flower brings texture to garden designs, and its sweet, spicy fragrance is an added attraction. Colors range from white, cream, yellow, peach, lavender, pink, purple and burgundy. Vase life is five to eight days.
Ordering Advice:
While some florists will take an order to be delivered in the A.M. or P.M., it is usually impossible to have it delivered at a particular time of the day (i.e., 2:00 P.M.). Because of traffic, pending funerals, weather and many other things, it very difficult to predict where the delivery van will be from one minute to the next. If the delivery is for someone at a place of employment, give the florist the time the person will be there at work.
Floral designers are very creative individuals. Rather than specifying the precise location of every flower in the arrangement, tell them the overall "look" you want (e.g., round arrangement, loose flowers in a vase, etc.) and let them use their creativity to do something spectacular for you!